This week for basic facts boxes i have done the speed demon challenge up to 5. My time was 2 minutes and 29 secounds.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
LI: Learning about how to be a Duffy role module
Robbie Rakete was our Duffy role module. He is on the breeze and he play the brown wiggle. He told us to think about the book we love in our mind then when he counts to three we all shout the name of the book. He said when he was little he told his mother that he will buy books he love and but food when he got a real job.So when he got a real hob he did what he told his mother is what he did.
Robbie Rakete was our Duffy role module. He is on the breeze and he play the brown wiggle. He told us to think about the book we love in our mind then when he counts to three we all shout the name of the book. He said when he was little he told his mother that he will buy books he love and but food when he got a real job.So when he got a real hob he did what he told his mother is what he did.
Today for music the songs we did were shotgun, One call away and others. We used and Xylophone to play these songs. The notes we use are C, Am, F, G. People could play on the keyboards (Free Time). And other people could go outside and learn the songs on the Xylophone .
Making basic sentience into longer sentience
L.I Making simple sentences into longer sentences.
We started off bye using a basic sentience and then we used more detail then we had to add more abvers and adjectives .Then we had to make the sentience with To Because By and With.
We started off bye using a basic sentience and then we used more detail then we had to add more abvers and adjectives .Then we had to make the sentience with To Because By and With.
Making sentince longer.,
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Kiwi Can
Today in kiwi can we recapped all of our learning from term. Our big theme is Positive Relationship. Our 3 modules were Positive Communication,Friendship and Cooperation.
We made three groups. Each group talked about the 5 w's and the h for one module.After we talked as a group,each group shared their ideas back to the class.
The 1 thing that I enjoyed is code breaker because it is very challenging.
The 1 thing that I learnt is positive communication means that you should say positive message not negatively.
The 1 thing that I have to be better at is Cooperation because to work better as a team.
Basic Facts
Basic Facts
Basic facts is when you don't known your number and you This slide called basic facts help us to learn our basic facts and helps us with: Addition, Subtraction, multiplication, and Division. this is a google sheet that helps us learn our basic facts by doing challenges with our basic facts And I also give Credit to Mr Wong your teacher you has worked hard to make the basic fact box for LS1
Prototec This maths game helps us learn our basic facts it has diferent stages for diferent year levels or ages and it has different sheets with diferent questions to test you one how good you know your basic facts.

Prodigy Prodigy is a fun way for use to learn: Subtraction, Addition, Multiplication, and Division. And more like how many vertices on a square or How a graph works or Learning Times Tables.
Friday, 5 April 2019
LI: To retell the main fact in a text .
this week we had reading we had to summery the key words in the book
our book was called growing pumpkins we had had to go on
flip grid and record our work.
We had to sumerise the key words we had to write
down the number pages of the book the main fact about the book
is to grow punmkins.
LI: to learn the real game of Ki O Rahi
We played the game of Ki O Rahi. There are two teams in Ki O Rahi. Ki Oma and Taniwha. Taniwha gets points by throwing the Ki to the Tupu (The Rock), Taniwha team are only allowed in Te Roto and Te Ao. Ki Oma score by touching the Ki to the Pou (Teeth) and scoring a try by getting the Ki to Pawhero (Island), they are only allowed to be in Te Ao, but if they are going to get a try they can go through Te Roto and get to Pawhero.
The Game starts by a kick. A kicker from Ki Oma (Te Marama) has to kick the Ki to the Keitiaki. The Keitiaki have to catch it or its a handover to Taniwha. When the Keitiaki catch they have to pass it to one of the Ki Oma members. We also had rippa tags. If a person that has the Ki, and one of their tags are ripped its a pass. If both are ripped its a handover to the next team.
My team lose 11 - 7.
We played the game of Ki O Rahi. There are two teams in Ki O Rahi. Ki Oma and Taniwha. Taniwha gets points by throwing the Ki to the Tupu (The Rock), Taniwha team are only allowed in Te Roto and Te Ao. Ki Oma score by touching the Ki to the Pou (Teeth) and scoring a try by getting the Ki to Pawhero (Island), they are only allowed to be in Te Ao, but if they are going to get a try they can go through Te Roto and get to Pawhero.
The Game starts by a kick. A kicker from Ki Oma (Te Marama) has to kick the Ki to the Keitiaki. The Keitiaki have to catch it or its a handover to Taniwha. When the Keitiaki catch they have to pass it to one of the Ki Oma members. We also had rippa tags. If a person that has the Ki, and one of their tags are ripped its a pass. If both are ripped its a handover to the next team.
My team lose 11 - 7.
the other day for music i played on the xylophone i don't find it hard any more i like to play it now and the songs we played were One call away,shotgun. the song i found hard was one call away shotgun i like to play that song now the xylophone is one of the best instruments and i still find play the piano hard i am not good at that i am still learning how to play that one it is still confusing to me i can't wait till next week
Poetry is a text for telling people ideas and feelings.
rhyme is using the same sounds in words.
A flea and a fly.
flew up in a flue.
End rhyme
one two,
buckle my shoe.
three four,
shut the door .
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
Kiwi Can
L.I To build Positive Relationship
Today in kiwi can we were learning about friendship. We learnt that there are times we can say No!
we talked about situations were it is ok to say No! we discussed different way to say no.
That we did a activity called empathy role play . A group acted out situation and as a class we need to decide they way to say No!
Today in kiwi can we were learning about friendship. We learnt that there are times we can say No!
we talked about situations were it is ok to say No! we discussed different way to say no.
That we did a activity called empathy role play . A group acted out situation and as a class we need to decide they way to say No!
Are options were
No thanks
lets do something eles instend
It's just not my thing
that not a nice thing to do.
No thanks
lets do something eles instend
It's just not my thing
that not a nice thing to do.
Kiwi can,
Positive Relationship
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