
Thursday, 24 September 2020


This week for reading we were learning about Inertia, and part of science that describes the being changed by force, or either being still in rest. There are three laws of inertia which are Inertia of Direction, Inertia of Rest and Inertia of Motion. We made a DLO about what Inertia is and the rules of it. We thought this was really interesting, because we thought it was all just gravity, but there’s more.


LI: To decide which political party will get your vote by making an informed choice


I would vote for I read a summary of the policies each party wants to introduce should they win the election and the right to form a government to run NZ. Doing this allowed me to make an informed decision. If I was 18 I would vote for Labour because they want to help young people achieve success. This means if Labour Won the election in my electorate Jenny Salesa would be our member of parliament and Jacinda Arden would become the Prime Minister. I found it interesting learning about the different party policies.

Wise Choices Explanation

L.I: To Write an Explanation

Why is it important to make wise choices?

Why have our animals been eating plastic?

Because people are being too lazy to put their plastic rubbish into the bin, it is going into the drains and out into the ocean.

Sea creatures are dying or getting sick from the plastic because they think that it is food so they eat it all up. As a result of swallowing the plastic they can’t breathe or are unable to eat so they might die. 

It is important that we think about our actions and make sure we put our plastic rubbish in the bin.

Toady we wrote an explanation about Why is it important to make wise choices. My writing was about the harm caused by plastic pollution. We can all help keep our sea creatures safe and our oceans clean by making sure we put our plastic rubbish in the bin.

Friday, 18 September 2020

Tech: Science with Mrs sharma

L.I: To identify the different types and uses of plastic 

Today at tech we had an activity where we had to listen carefully and think carefully  by arranging  our strips of  our questions and answers  in the  right place: Positive, Negative, Neutral . We had different types materials like Metal,plastic,paper,wood and fabric on a sheet of paper where we had to look around carefully  around the science room and write what furniture or decorations  , equipment are made out of those materials like an example is my first material was what is made out of metal like i saw scissors , Heater, Sharpener and the white board frame . Our task was to sort out the questions about plastic and sort them in which is positive , negative , neutral and explain why we thought that  if our answers were different to other peoples answer.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020


 LI: To work out the elapsed time

Today our group used the maths clocks to help us work out the answers to the elapsed time questions.Elapsed means the time that has gone by learning how to make the time and answers I like learning about clocks and answers what is the time.

Friday, 4 September 2020

Tech: Science and STEAM

L.I: To identify what we know about Science 

Toady it was our first time going to science. We talked about what science is and what scientists do with the equipment in a science lab. Mrs Sharma asked us what we wanted to know more about and I want to know why science is important.

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Duffy books in school

Today we got given books from Duffy. All the student in PBS chose two books that they liked. The two books I have chosen were The babysitters club and Amulet: Book 7.  All the students in Panmure Bridge School are very thankful for the books they have been given. I have read one of the Amulet series and I enjoyed reading it so I chose to get another book from the series. I have also read another book from the babysitters club series and wanted to get another one. 

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Vincent Van Gogh timeline

 LI: To create a timeline to show the life of Vincent Van Gogh.

Made with Padlet

My group worked collaboratively using Padlet to create a timeline about the life of Vincent Van Gogh. Van Gogh was an artist from the post impressionist movement which meant he liked to paint still life paintings that captured a moment in time. We found it really interesting that while he was alive he didn't sell many paintings but in 1990, 100 years after his death, a painting by him sold for $82.5 million!